English Prep Webinar Series for Interpreters – November 2017

Texas Health and Human Services, Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) presents the following training opportunity:

English Prep Webinar Series

Dates: November 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2017
Time: 5:45—8:45 pm CST
Presented by: Stephanie Rotheram, BEI Master and RID NIC
Location: WEBINAR
Cost: $40.00

Register here!

This four-part series will provide you with strategies and decision-making techniques to improve English comprehension and give you a knowledge base for the Test of English Proficiency (TEP).  You will learn how to identify synonyms and antonyms from various English written materials, how to evaluate grammar in written materials, and how to improve reading comprehension skills so you can analyze a written passage and understand the relationship of ideas within the passage.


  1. Register in the webinar system; DHHS Training will then send you a pre-test link.  After taking the pre-test, you will receive a registration email from GoToWebinar.
  2. Send a copy of the registration email (include your full name) with your check/money order for $40 to: HHSC-DHHS, Training and Education, PO Box 12306, Austin, Texas 78711.
  3. Upon receipt of your registration fee, you will receive a web-link, via email, to access the webinar classes.
  4. There are no refunds for any reason.
  5. If you have questions about the registration process, email your questions to [email protected] or call (512) 982-1709.

Audio access is via your computer speakers. If you do not have computer speakers or, need a sign language interpreter via VP, call 877-226-9790, access code 3799711, to connect to the conference line.

Requests for accommodations, such as CART, must be received at least two weeks in advance of the webinar date.

Participants may earn 1.2 DHHS General Studies CEUs by taking a pre-test, attending all 4 sessions, and taking a post-test. Links to the pre- and post- tests will be included in registration confirmation and follow up emails.


Stephanie Rotheram was certified in 2001, after graduating from the San Antonio ITP.  She continued her studies; earning a Bachelors from Texas A&M, and a Masters in Special Ed, focusing on American Sign Language Interpreting, from the University of North Texas.  She holds national certification, and the Texas BEI Master. She has provided in-house trainings for the SAISD interpreters, the Alamo College district interpreters, and has taught as an adjunct faculty for the SAC/ITP.  She currently offers a Test of English (TEP) prep class that runs for a full 15-week semester at SAC.  She is employed full-time as a staff interpreter for the Alamo Colleges, in San Antonio, and works as a freelance interpreter, as well as a VRS interpreter.

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